If you file electronically using digital signature you do not have to submit a physical copy of the return. Even if you do not have a digital signature, you can still e-File the returns. However, you must also physically submit the printed copy of the filled up Form along with the copy of the Provisional Acknowledgement Number of your e-Return
These certificates are accepted for MCA 21, E-filing, E -tendering, Income Tax
Sai Digital signature and Tax services , Bangalore will offer DSC from Sify and it will be processed in one day from the time of receipt of the documents as needed which includes
Signed form : Fill in and print it and sign the form
Self Attested copy of PAN Card (PAN card is compulsory)
Require Self Attested copy of any one of the latest bill of WATER / ELECTRICITY / POWER / TELEPHONE / CREDIT CARD or VOTER’S ID CARD / DRIVING LICENSE/PASSPORT in the applicant’s name for address confirmation. (as Proof of residence)
1 passport size photograph
E-mail id. One can send softcopy of the same to the email id saidigitalsignature@gmail.com
Digital signature do helps a lot in a number of promising ways as compared to handwritten signature. You have posted many advantages of this authentication mechanisms in the above article along with the detail of a provider that offer these certificates. Thanks for posting this info.
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